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Human Powered Vehicle Operators of Ottawa (HPVOoO) (H-P-Vous?) |
"Enthusiasts and builders of recumbents, trikes, workbikes, choppers, tallbikes, kustom-bikes and more!" |
We are a loose affilation of cyclists based in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada's Capital), and share a love of recumbents, folding bikes, choppers, and perhaps just about any bike that might look a bit different. We have set ourselves up to be a non-club, with no dues, no meetings, and not even any organized rides! We converse via the mailing list or on irc, and just look for opportunities to ride our bikes. Many of us are car-free, and use our steeds for transportation, moving stuff around, and also taking part in the odd parade or two. Several of us have become members of the non-profit incorporated Human Powered Transportation Association based in Brantford, Ontario. A few of our gang almost always have their digital cameras on hand to record whatever happens, and our motto is "if there aren't any pictures then the event never happened!". You can check out our Events page to see what we've been up to. |
Please don't hesitate
to contact the page
or join the list and post suggestions or
content for these pages.
Here we are at the
2010 Santa Claus Parade:
(c) 2010 Richard Guy Briggs Email
We've come a long way from our first group photo,
taken at the Tour de Nortel
ride on May 5th, 2002.
L-R: Scotty, Seanna, Richard, Jody, Juergen, Mike,
Mark, Grant.
(c) 2002 Richard Guy Briggs Email
Page last re-laid-out by RealGrouchy
Sun Jul 3 03:10:30 EDT 2011
Page last updated by Richard Guy Briggs
Wed Dec 11 17:08:04 EST 2024